Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I'm at the start of another week and another hairdo.
*For history purposes..We as African Americans don't mind or shy away from a new 'do'; we welcome it.
Well, Sunday night was a trying time for me. I washed Kai's hair (to much kicking & screaming), then I attempted the unthinkable...I tried to combrush it. That's when I alternate using the comb and the brush in efforts to untangle what seems like a rain forest. There was so much hooping and hollering that I thought the police would come knocking down my door at any moment.
I finally gave in (after my bicep brush workout) and simply put her hair in 3 large Nubian knots.
So, this morning (a new day a new dawn), I figured I'd give it another try. To my surprise, Kai's hair was not tangled, but still damp. When I reached for my trusty tools of trade, our eyes locked, and without words, we mutually agreed to simply put her hair in 3 pigtails, using the brush as a comb. That's my hair war truce of the day. Mommy 1, Kai 1. Til next time..

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