Friday, August 28, 2009


OK, it's now the third day since the new school year began. You'd think both girls have got it together...Not. Naima clearly has separation anxiety (Kai went through the same thing, but is clearly over it).

This morning she put up such a fuss when I dropped her off to school. She pulled my pant leg while I was walking away, and continuously screamed "Mommy, I don't want to stay, take me with you"! I felt like I was in a sequence from Dreamgirls. Nai, being Jennifer Holiday (And I am Telling You...), and I being the a**hole that was leaving her! Tell me this gets better.

Now, I know that this may be normal for some preschoolers and their parents during the first day and/or week of school. But picture this...I'm clearly a black African American woman and this little blond haired, blue-eyed kid is kicking and screaming, whaling her hands around in my face and causing quite the scene. I'm sure it looked like an episode of the 'Nanny gone wrong', which doesn't exist, but you catch my drift.

I've already mapped out my strategy for next week. I'll simply drop her off in the pre-care class with her sister before school starts, this way she will have some bonding time with a close relative and give me a chance to slip away. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool. What a great idea. I will share it with the other VI teachers. Miss you. Lori
